Alright so what would be the first thing I'll do when I've receive my iPhone 4S?
Well that's simple, I'll do a full HD video recording on my unboxing experience of the iPhone 4s of course! Since the iPhone 4S is the only thing I'd dream of since its launch, it would be a very memorable moment when I myself start unboxing it - well I certainly can't wait for that now! :)

Ahhhh! This is just how I pictured everything to be!
The next thing in mind that I'll do is that i would sign up for the DiGi's iDiGi 238 iPhone 4S plan because only DiGi offers great plans which are both awesome and affordable! DiGi Rocks!

With DiGi offering a package of 1000min on voice calls, 600 on SMSs, 60 on MMSs and a breath-taking 5GB of Data service! It'll definitely be my pick because with RM 156, the package is really worth it and it definitely is affordable when compared to the other local mobile service operators.

Next, I would head over to the Apple AppStore and download all the necessary apps! The Apple AppStore provides about over 500,000 apps specially dedicated to the iPhone and the other apple products!
I've already prepared a list on what apps I'd like to download first on my iPhone - just to name a few (cause I have a long list of apps waiting down the line):




World Atlas by National Geographic

New Oxford American Dictionary
Being a teen, it's hard seeing your other friends being able to update their social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter without going through your computer and directly from your phone! But with the iPhone 4S, I could do that in an instant! There would also be other brilliant apps of course that would keep me occupied and make full use of my soon-to-be iPhone 4S that ranges from a variety if genre besides social networking. Being able to get hold of the weather forecast would also be really handy before a day out with my buddies!
And after that, I'll show my new iPhone 4S to the whole world and tell them how amazing DiGi was to actually organised a competition that would have made me won an iPhone 4S! I mean, seriously, who other than DiGi does that! It'll be really cool to walk around town with my friends while using my brand new iPhone 4S at the same time. I mean, why keep the iPhone 4S aside when you could actually show it off to the world! For something that awesome and expensive, you wouldn't wanna hide it underneath the pockets of your jeans. Apart from that, it'll be a sweet revenge of jealousy I could return to my rival/enemy Mr. X (the real name is classified) when he sees me owning an iPhone 4S. He'd be terrified if I manage to own one before he does! a pretty beautiful revenge indeed!
And last but not least, I'll save the whole world and shine world peace upon the citizens of Earth with my new iPhone 4S! Just kidding! But if my soon-to-be iPhone 4S could do that, then why not do something good for a change? But in one way or another this cool Superman iPhone 4S cover would look great on my new iPhone from DiGi! :)

Can't wait to get one for myself! :D

Yeah! That's just what I need right now! An iPhone 4S!

Oh yeah! Siri just said that it belong to me - obviously!
Who else would it belong to?!
Yeah! Imma so hoping that I could win! :)